Wax removal now available in the comfort of your own home!

Wax is an important part of the ears health
Wax Removal Services £80 for Both Ears
Homecare Hearing are known to provide full hearing tests, fittings and aftercare in the comfort of the clients home but now they are bringing wax removal to the mix.
Wax is an important part of the ears health but too much can lead to occlusion within the ear. This can give rise to hearing loss, itching, pain or discomfort in the ear. The longer this wax stays in the ear the more it ‘impacts’ making the problems more apparent and removal more challenging.
Homecare Hearing uses Water Irrigation with their team trained by Guymark. There is usually no need to use ear drops (although it helps!) in the ear prior to the appointment unlike the other techniques. We will always be viewing the ear which enables us to perform the removal much quicker and safer.
Call Homecare Hearing now on 07581402369 for wax removal in the comfort of your own home at a time convenient for you!